When looking at your issues, I bring an unbiased perspective to help you build your roadmap into the future.
Initial Agreement: We collectively define the project objective or problem we are trying to solve.
Assess and Evaluate: I partner with your teams to understand your tech stack and identify root causes.
Design and Recommend: I produce a series of concrete recommendations to address the objective that can be implemented by your teams.
Redis Consulting
As a leading expert and author of Redis in Action, I am uniquely positioned to bring an outside view to your Redis deployment. While much of the same advice I gave in my book is still applicable today, I can help you at any level of Redis usage; from initial design, to deploying at scale with dozens of services and databases, handling persistence and replication options, or identifying causes of performance hiccups.
Data at Scale
It is not uncommon to outgrow initial data architectures, resulting in degraded performance and poor user experience for external customers and internal dashboard users alike. I can review your existing architecture, identify issues, and offer concrete recommendations to improve performance. I can offer varying recommendations on using Redis, Postgres, MySQL, Redshift, and BigQuery for big-data.
Talks and Advocacy
I have given talks at RedisConf, PostgresConf, LaWebSpeed, PyData.la, SCALE, and several other meetups and conferences on the topics of Redis, Python, Postgres, scaling software, general software advocacy, API security, steganography, and more. If you need advocacy or a talk on something I know and am passionate about, we can discuss the development of a custom talk to address your needs.
How to Contact Me
If you want to hire me for a consultation, you should set up a meeting so we can discuss some basic details of the problem and project, including any paperwork that needs to be signed. Or you can email me, if you would prefer.