First, you need to install Postgres. I'll assume you've already done that.
Next, you need to create the user that will be performing all of your operations (schema updates, data manipulation, etc.).
After creating and updating your initial database, you now need to update your Postgres configuration to ensure that you can actually log in with your user.$ sudo -u postgres psql # create user DBUSER with password 'PASSWORD'; # create database DATABASE; # grant all privileges on database DATABASE to DBUSER; # \q $
$ sudo vim /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
Scroll to the bottom of your configuration file. About 10 lines up (at least in Postgres 9.1), you should see a line that reads:
local all all peer
Change the last column to read "md5":
local all all md5
Then save and quit the editor.
After your configuration is updated, you need to restart Postgres:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
From here, if you ever want to modify your schema, use data from a client, etc., you only need to log in with the user you created earlier, and everything will just work. You will be able to alter your schema as necessary, select, update, insert, and delete. In a lot of ways, this behaves a lot like a just-installed MySQL configuration after you've set a username/password for the root user (and only ever use the root user), but where the user *only* has access to manipulate the one database. This can be very useful when you've got your one Postgres install for personal projects, but want to silo your different projects into different named databases.
If you've already got some tables created with the Postgres user, and you need to change ownership, the accepted answer over on StackOverflow can get you all fixed up.
Long-term, you may want to create additional read/write users (no DDL updates), read-only users, etc., but if you just want to get a new application going, this can get you there.
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